How To Add A Path And Filename To Document In Word 2011 For Mac

Posted : admin On 26.01.2019

Click the “File” tab. The title that displays at the top of the “Info” screen is extracted from the main portion of the file name (before the extension). The path to the currently open file is listed below that title.

The CELL Function takes a maximum of 2 arguments, and only the first one is mandatory. Buy office 2016 for mac. =CELL(info_type, [reference]) So, if you write =CELL(“filename”) in any cell, you will get the Full Path name of this Excel file, along with the Sheet Name.

In the Insert group, within the Header and Footer tab, click the Document Info button. Choose File Name or File Path to have the appropriate information added to the header or footer of your document. To exit the header or footer, select the Close Header and Footer button on the ribbon or double click the body of the document. Header & Footer group. Click on the drop down arrow beneath the word Footer. Click on:- Edit Footer. Once in the footer click on the Insert tab.

By One of the most useful tools in all of Office 2011 for mac is the ability to make hyperlinks to just about anywhere. You can link to any file on your computer; these files are local files. To link to local files, you can use two kinds of links: • Absolute: This kind of link contains the entire file path to your content. The URL starts with file://localhost/Users/ and links to a file anywhere on your computer. This kind of URL works only for a single-user account. If you move the document, workbook, or presentation to another computer, the hyperlink won’t work. Use this kind of link only if you know your link will never have to work on another computer.

On my post about, Steven asks a good question: “Is there a way to save this into a shortcut for future use?” I’ve found a few ways to do this: • You can save the field code in your Header gallery or your Footer gallery. • You can save the field code as AutoText. • You can create a macro that will insert the correct field, and you can add a button that runs the macro on the Quick Access Toolbar.

A2: =LEFT(A1,FIND(' ',SUBSTITUTE(A1,' ',' ',LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,' ','))))) You can then use this in your final formula to give a relative path. A3: =HYPERLINK(A2 & 'brn-0001.xlsx') Obviously, you could stick all these together into a single formula but, given the name, I'm assuming you're going to have a long list of linked files here to deal with. Don't think you can do this, but you can use some other information functions to simulate it. This will return the full path to the current file and worksheet.

So next time you can see a file but you’re not sure where it is exactly just glance down at the Path Bar if it’s displayed, or use one of the other methods I’ve mentioned above. Did I miss any possibilities? Let me know in the Comments below. • Brian Forbes said: I just bought a Mac and can tell you that the ridiculous amount of clicking just to locate and save files is a HUGE TIME WASTER. Under Windows, I had an explorer (finder) window open with a path to a folder that I needed to open from and save to while moving between programs. It was this simple, copy the path, save from the program, paste path into the name field, hit enter, guess what? I’m in the right folder and I just hit save.

With AutoRecover and Time Machine, the bases are covered. The option is there only for backward compatibility.

Quickly insert file name and file path or other information into cell, header or footer in Excel Sometimes, we may need to inserting current Excel file (workbook) name, the file saving path and worksheet name in a cell, header or footer in Excel, generally, we handle it by uesing formulas. However, how can you solve it if you forget the formulas for inserting workbook information? Here the Insert Workbook Information utility can help you insert any workbook information into cell, header, footer as you need without complex formula. With this way, you can display the file path of the current file in your toolbar, and then copy it when you need it.

In the dialog box that opens, type a name that you’ll remember, and then in the Gallery list, click AutoText. (You can choose any gallery, but AutoText seems to be a shorter shortcut.) The upside? It’s also easy to do. The downside? You still need to click Quick Parts and point to AutoText and find your gallery entry–which isn’t that much faster than inserting the field.

“contents” Value of the upper-left cell in reference; not a formula. “filename” Filename (including full path) of the file that contains reference, as text. Returns empty text (“”) if the worksheet that contains reference has not yet been saved. “format” Text value corresponding to the number format of the cell.